Bhopal is a city in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.
Climate of Bhopal
Climate of Bhopal
Summer Temperature
Winter Temperature
Annual Rainfall
Ideal Time to Visit
Bhopal placed in the North Western parts of Madhya Pradesh goes through diverse climatic conditions where summers are hot, winters are soggy and monsoon season is marked by mild to heavy downpours.
Summers begin in April and continues till June marked by extreme heat and dryness with maximum temperature hovering around 47.7°C.
Winter season begins in November and continues till February characterized by coldness and dampness with maximum temperature hovering around 24.5°Cs. During nights the temperature dips to a greater extent. Days are cold and are marked by thick fog and winter sleets. The minimum temperature goes down to 8°C.
Monsoon season is marked by moderate rainfall but isolated rains are experienced by the city all through the year. The advent of south-west monsoon in mid-June brings frequent showers which last through October. However, the city also receives mild drizzle in the months of December-January.