
Andaman is one of the most popular hill resorts in India.

History of Andaman

History of Andaman

Andaman and Nicobar Islands were discovered by the British for the first time in the year 1789. But the British had to desert the island because of 1796. This was followed by the occupancy of the islands by nearly 6 tribal groups. The Nicobari tribes namely Nancowrie, Camorta, Katchal islands were the inhabitants of the Nicobar Islands.The Shompan tribes were the other tribal group in Campbell Bay at Great Nicobar. These tribes originated from Mangoloia. The Andamanese tribal groups were large in numbers who used to dwell in tiny groups around the thick woods. For their livelihood, they depended on hunting of animals and birds. They survived on raw fruits and vegetables. They also excelled in fishing, making boats and collecting honey. These tribes were primitive to the core and roamed around without any cloth.

The year 1858 saw the intrusion of British for the second time in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. This resulted in the heavy influx of British Officials and soldiers. These islands became the action ground between the native tribes and the colonial rulers. The tribes were completely overpowered by the British and finally they moved into the thick woods for taking shelter. In due course of time, the remaining tribes faded away.

The homeland of the tribals became centre of rigorous punishment as the colonial rulers sent the freedom fighters from India and Burma to these islands by ships. It was known as Kalapani.

In due course of time, many towns came up. On December 29, 1943, Netaji for the first time hoisted the flag of Independent India.The first Independent Government Col. Loganathan a Tamilian was was made the first presiding official of the island. When India won back her independence the island was declared Union Territory.